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Newcastle Primary School 17A Shimna Road, Newcastle

School News - P3

2019/2020 School Year

5th Mar 2020
It’s been a busy and fun World Book Day in NPS this year! Each pupil and member...
27th Feb 2020
We had a snow day in school. Everything we did had a snow theme: snow maths, ...
11th Feb 2020
All the children from Nursery to P7 participated in activities to celebrate ‘Safer...
8th Jan 2020
We started the new year being young scientists by designing a container to hold...
19th Dec 2019
We have had a very busy month in school. It is funny how time flies when you are...
19th Dec 2019
The whole school from Nursery to P7 had a wonderful day today at the ‘Movie...
18th Dec 2019
The P3 class were very excited as we boarded the bus to go to Saint Joseph's Primary...
4th Dec 2019
The P1-3 have been very busy practising for our nativity. This will be held on Monday...
29th Nov 2019
Please read the attached letter to find out more about our 'Journey to Santa Challenge'.
8th Nov 2019
Heather from the Irish Football Association arrived at school to present Newcastle...