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Newcastle Primary School 17A Shimna Road, Newcastle
Education Authority has directed that all schools in Northern Ireland are required to close on Friday 24th January, due to the anticipated severe weather conditions. Please stay safe.
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Class Dojo

Don't forget to check out our ClassDojo Page for updates.


P2 Rewards

P2 earn rewards at an individual and whole class level. 

When a pupil earns 10 ‘Smiley Sticks’ they get to pick a reward from the prize box. 

As a class, we work together to fill our ‘Good Choices’ Jar with pompoms. We then vote for our whole class reward.


Latest Class News

19th Dec 2024
We were very impressed with all the entries for the ‘Winter Wonderland’...
18th Dec 2024
Tomorrow (Thursday 19th) is our PTA Grotto event. 🎅 The children should come to...