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Newcastle Primary School 17A Shimna Road, Newcastle

Welcome to P1!

Welcome to our P1 page. 😊


Class Dojo

Don't forget to check out ClassDojo for updates. 


Reminders for P1


  • Snack money to be paid through the School Money App
  • Homework folders returned on a Thursday 
  • PE on Wednesdays 👟

P1 Latest News

26th Jun 2024
To mark the end of another school year, we are going to have a ‘Party in the...
20th Jun 2024
Thank you so much to Simon and Jo-Ann from ‘Lick’ for the delicious ice...
20th Jun 2024
Today we held a special farewell assembly for Mr Brown, who has been teaching in...


P1 earn rewards at an individual and whole class level. 

When a pupil moves their car to the end of the track, they get to pick a reward from the prize box. 

As a class, we work together to collect bananas for Melvin the monkey. We then vote for our whole class reward.