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Newcastle Primary School 17A Shimna Road, Newcastle
Education Authority has directed that all schools in Northern Ireland are required to close on Friday 24th January, due to the anticipated severe weather conditions. Please stay safe.
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Our School Motto


After school clubs and more!

After school clubs provide a large variety of sports and creative activities. Pupils have opportunities to play a brass or woodwind instrument, play the piano, sing in the choir, take part in annual performances, learn to swim, care for the environment and much more. All children have a voice at NPS and we aim to encourage all their interests and talents!

We are also very fortunate to have spacious grounds around the school as well as an Adventure Playground!


About our school...

We seek to provide a happy and caring environment for each child. We hope that by helping them fulfil their potential, celebrating their achievements, respecting their differences and encouraging mutual respect for others, we will foster self- esteem and provide a sound foundation for their future life!

We are situated in an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The School, which is south facing, has a panoramic view of the Mourne Mountains and is central to the town.  It was built in 1962 and serves the seaside resort of Newcastle and surrounding area.  It was given a new extension in 2014.

It is co-educational, inclusive and welcomes all pupils regardless of religious denomination or cultural background. The Board of Governors ably manage and support the school.

The school is well resourced with interactive white boards in every room as well as an ICT suite and a Foundation Stage play and resource area.




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