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Newcastle Primary School 17A Shimna Road, Newcastle

Welcome to P5!


Class Dojo

Don't forget to check out our ClassDojo Page for updates.


Ancient Egypt

This term, we are learning all about Ancient Egypt. The children are loving this topic so far and engage well in our lessons. The children have mummified tomatoes, learned all about pyramids and enjoy singing songs all about the topic! 

Latest Class News

26th Jun 2024
To mark the end of another school year, we are going to have a ‘Party in the...
20th Jun 2024
Thank you so much to Simon and Jo-Ann from ‘Lick’ for the delicious ice...
20th Jun 2024
Today we held a special farewell assembly for Mr Brown, who has been teaching in...



We have started to complete the first unit of the PATHS programme. We will be learning how important it is to take turns, how we should treat others how we would like to be treated and how to be a good listener. 



Beach School in P5

This year we will be continuing to carry out lessons at the beach. We loved it in P4 and I am sure the children will continue to love it in P5! 


P5 Interactive Links

Spelling Bee
Which level can you

Tell the time
practise telling the
Helping Hands Info
What is Helping
Times Tables
Practise your times
tables using your
unique username and
password from Mrs