Access Keys:

Newcastle Primary School 17A Shimna Road, Newcastle


Every penny of the money you give to the PTA through any fundraising event goes back to support your children in the school. 

All parents of children in our school are automatically PTA members. 


PTA News

3rd Jun 2024
Thank you to all those who came to our PTA treasure hunt on Friday evening and made...
10th May 2024
What a great day we all have had!Thank you so much to everyone who has helped make...
29th Apr 2024
To coincide with our ‘Green Day’ on Friday 10th May, we are also running...
26th Apr 2024
♻NPS and NU Green Day♻Friday 10th May🟢Wear something greenThis will be a non-uniform...
21st Feb 2024
20th Dec 2023
Thank you to our super PTA for such a festive day in NPS and NU! 🌲We had a special...

PTA Documents

15th Nov 2022
download document
15th Nov 2022
download document
4th Jun 2019
download document