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Newcastle Primary School 17A Shimna Road, Newcastle
Education Authority has directed that all schools in Northern Ireland are required to close on Friday 24th January, due to the anticipated severe weather conditions. Please stay safe.
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School News

2019/2020 School Year

26th May 2020
Please see attached letter.
25th May 2020
June Home Learning Packs will be available from the school hall on Friday 29th May...
21st May 2020
P5 have been learning about the different scientific skills. They have had lots...
21st May 2020
Today is ‘Outdoor Classroom Day’! Let’s take our learning outdoors!...
12th May 2020
P7 transfer letters of placement will be posted to pupils to arrive on Thursday...
12th May 2020
This is a message specifically for the parents of P6 pupils planning to do the AQE...
9th May 2020
Thanks so much to everyone who sent in photos for our video. We have had such a...
4th May 2020
Staff are hoping to put together a NPS photo collage of our pupils during lockdown. ...