Access Keys:

Newcastle Primary School 17A Shimna Road, Newcastle

Back to school!

20th Aug 2021

We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back on Thursday 26th, Friday 27th and Tuesday 31st August for P2-P7 induction from 9am to 12 noon each day.  The main school doors will be open from 8.50am to 9.10am for pupils. There will be no school dinners on these days; P4-7 children should bring a healthy snack for breaktime. P2 and P3 will be provided with snack which is payable through the school money app as usual. School will operate a staggered pick up from 11.45am, starting with P2, from the main playground.

Children may bring school bags.

Teachers will keep in touch with updates through Class Dojo and Google Classroom so please make sure you provide school with a current and up to date email, especially if you have recently changed it.

Please make sure all your child's clothes and belongings are clearly marked with their name and class.

P1 parent induction takes place on Tuesday 24th August and Nursery parent induction takes place on Thursday 26th August.  Please adhere to the times given to you by Mrs Baines and Mrs Bradshaw.  This will take place in the school hall where you can enter and exit by the emergency exit from the staff car park.